Monday, August 12, 2013

Telangaana - Democratic Achievement

I do not understand why every party is blaming the other party as cause for Telangaana State formation.  It is not the formation of a new state but demerger of the Hyderabad state from Andhra Pradesh formed on experimental basis in 1956.  The merger itself was conditional.  Andhra people who were in majority and promised for unity and development of Telugu people failed to keep their promises.  They started to discriminate the local people – people of Hyderabad state – Telangaana people.  They ridiculed the language and culture of Telanganites forgetting that they have joined them as all being Telugu speaking.  This led to unrest in Telanganites within 2-3 years of merger resulting in serious agitation in 1969, when the central government suppressed it with military action causing the death of about three hundred Telangaana youth. 
Though suppressed, the Telanganites never gave up the aspiration for the Telangaana state - separation from the Andhra Pradesh. This aspiration of Telangaana people is taken as the main agenda and Telangaana Rashtra Samithi, a political party, is formed under the leadership of Shri K.Chandrashekar Rao in 2001.   KCR’s political shrewdness and his policy to achieve Telangaana not just by agitations but through the power of ‘vote’ in a democratic way have made him the one and the only leader of Telangaana people. With the support of people – educated and employees and students he could take the struggle forward and could make the national political party Congress to commit to Telangaana in principle in 2004 general and assembly elections. This is his important achievement as TRS party leader.  
His fast unto death, unending agitations in Telangaana and call for a ‘peace rally’ on 10th December by all student Joint Action committee of Telangaana led to the pronouncement of  ‘initiation of Telangaana state formation’ by Home minister of  India on 9th December, 2009.  This announcement was the result of KCR’s fast unto death resulting state wide protests against the Andhra Government by students and general public and political and intellectual leaders.  The announcement had come after all party meet in the state and serious discussions in the both houses of parliament. Telangaana State formation is not the gift by any party or person.  It is the democratic achievement of Telangaana people by their nonviolent consistent struggle daring the cruel oppression and violence by the Andhra government and police.
The sociocultural humiliation, political domination resulting in backwardness and oppression of Telanganites by the majority Andhra people are the sole cause of Telangaana struggle for demerger of their state from that of Andhra Pradesh.  The cause for Telangaana movement is the malicious attitude of Andhra junta and Industrialists.  Telangaana people achieved the state by their prolonged consistent struggle.  Telangaana is not given by any party.  It is the democratic achievement of all Telangaanites.
Jai Telangaana!  Jayaho Telangaana!! 

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