Friday, June 12, 2009



Papaya is very good source of vitamin A. Carrot is the root/vegetable that is richest source of vitamin A. Non-vegetarian and sources of vitamin A is fish liver oil, halibut liver oil is the richest source and next is cod liver oil. These liver oils are generally used in treatment of vitamin A deficiency. A regular diet which includes green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables which are yellow in colour, milk and milk products and eggs also have vitamin A.

Deficiency of vitamin A is the important cause of nutritional deficiency blindness in the developing countries. Supplying foods fortified with vitamin A and prophylactic administration of appropriate doses of vitamin A to children in the age group of 6 months to 6 years will prevent this deficiency and there by blindness.

First symptom of deficiency of vitamin A is dryness of eyes. Later triangular white patches develop in both eyes. If the deficiency is severe it causes corneal dryness, opacity and ulcerations. Sometimes there can liquefaction of cornea and bursting resulting in blindness permanently.

Night blindness - inability to see in dim light is the sign of vitamin A deficiency. Supplementation of vitamin A will correct the problem and normal vision is regained.

A proper balanced diet containing fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products and eggs will prevent vitamin A deficiency and there by nutritional deficiency blindness and night blindness in children.

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