Thursday, December 27, 2012

Woman (Human) Rights

The angry and continued protests in Delhi is the outburst of the people of India against the complacent law and order system, against insensitive government, against the corrupt bureaucracy, against the degrading morality in the society and against  denigrating women in the society.  Men are forgetting that along with women the human race can move forward.  Man and woman are two sides of the coin of human life. Egoistic man does not want to recognize woman as equal human being with intelligence and discretion.  Man and woman are complimentary to one another in bringing up the human race.  The direct burden of carrying the human race being on the woman, selfish man, has framed rules to subjugate woman.  In all cultures and religions it is men who think what is best for women.  They codify a ‘Good Woman’ profile and any deviation from profile is regarded blasphemous.  As for man, he is the ‘Lord’ and need not strictly follow the moral code.  Man, to propagate his own genes, and establish his dominion started subjugating woman and treating her as his property. As the woman has to carry his genes – progeny, man wanted woman completely under his control.  This resulted in restricting woman to become birthing and nurturing machine, and sex slave. 

Whatever the progress man had made in this world is unable to come out of this deeply ingrained nature.  Woman in due course of human progress is able to stand and is fighting for her basic human rights, right to live with dignity and equality and special privileges in specific conditions.  Modern woman though financially independent, is still bound by centuries old traditions.  She has to give first priority to domestic duties and then only can take up other occupations for intellectual and financial growth.  Woman stepping out of four walls is becoming prey to the lusty men.  These men say that by coming out of four walls woman herself has invited sexual exploitation.  They forget that woman, irrespective of age and dressing is subjected to sexual harassment even when she is within the boundaries of four walls. 

Men should realize and accept in word and deed that woman is an individual.  Whatever she does, she has complete right on her body.  Whatever she wears or practices does not give any right to any man to touch or sexually assault her.  Any such act should be treated as human rights violation and punished severely.  If the law is strict and provides equal rights to all its subjects, it should treat any overt or covert derogatory gender discrimination as human rights violation and action should be taken immediately.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Live to Achieve

Political leaders are always safe.  Ambitious and greedy politicians use gullible people as pawn in achieving political mileage.  They do not mind causing social conflicts and turmoil and even deaths of innocent people.  The state and central government has time to discuss about various problems in the nation, deaths caused by various causes, but conveniently forget about the 900 deaths in the span of two years for cause of Telangaana.  The Indian government takes up the issue of FDI and gets it passed though the main opposition and its important coalition parties are against it.  The government simply refuses to recognize Telangaana issue as a serious socio-political-economic issue and calls it simple sentiment. It doesn’t want to fulfill its responsibility towards protecting the weaker region by passing a Bill, though the main opposition and many other parties are ready to support it.   How is it that the central government gets blinded by politico-financially strong lobby and allows the Telanganites to suffer military and police atrocities?  Doesn’t this government have any responsibility of protecting the oppressed in nation.  The Andhra government dealing the issue reminds me of East Pakistan that existed few decades ago.  The more the oppression, the more the revolt.

In view of the all party meeting on 28th of December, people are already worried about the outcome.  Though it is expected nothing concrete comes out of it, still people hope that the problem should be solved.  The youth are particularly getting more depressed because of uncertainty of academic careers and loss of their quota of jobs to Andhraites.  This is resulting in taking extreme step in some desperate youngsters.  The greedy leaders, though aware of the persisting social turmoil in Telangaana, talk about suicides.  This is cruel psychological infliction on already stressed Telangaana youth.  I hope that good sense prevails in the leaders, and all in their own way, talk of living and fighting to achieve Telangaana state. 

To achieve something it is important to live and struggle.  Live and struggle.  Struggle to achieve the goal.  Life is to live.  Live to achieve.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bringing Up Children

The imprisonment of the Indian couple in Norway had brought forth the topic of brining up children by the parents, rights and responsibilities of parents and rights of children.  Children are innocent and do not understand the consequences of their acts. It becomes the responsibility of the parents to guide them.  This requires lot of patience.  Children sometimes unknowingly do acts that upset parents socially and emotionally.    Young parents, under stress sometimes punish kids severely, often injuring the child physically or mentally.  Severity of punishment causing physical or mental trauma is due to lack of awareness in the parent. 

To take up any skilled or intellectual job, appropriate education and training is mandatory.  Parenting is a serious intellectual and skilled job often taxing physical and mental abilities.  But, generally it is taken as natural phenomenon.  Other than human beings, this is quite natural and lasts only until the offspring learns to move on its own and learn to procure food for it.  Human parenting is more complicated in this ever changing world.  Parents always want their child to be the best in the society and wants to train, often overburdening the child’s abilities.  Inability to conform to parental requisition often leads to mental disturbances in the child.  Lacking intelligence and physical strength to protest the child suffers.  This suffering will have a bearing on the behavior and character of the person in future.  Family environment, love and affection showered by the parents, along with their type and extent of punishments will impact the child’s ability to adjust in life and society in future. 

In India it is considered that parents have all rights on the children, any time they have to abide by parents’ decision.  ‘Spare the rod, spoil the child’, is very much imbibed in the Indian psyche.  To control the child from doing undesirable things, often, physically traumatizing punishments are given.  They forget these often leave mental scars.  Usually in joint families elderly members intervene in such conditions.  In the nuclear families, ambitious young couples, sometimes, do not understand their limitations in treating the children in difficult situations.  People outside the family intervene only when things are gross.  Whatever may be the difficulty in bringing up the children, inflicting physical injury is seriously bad parenting.  In such condition, the family, parents and children need good counseling.

Education and maturity of the person and giving birth to child only when desired goes a long way in bringing up children.  Also, preconception and postnatal counseling preparing for parenting and to cope up with its stress will be helpful to young parents.

The Indian couple, being young and living away from native land, trying to adjust to different culture might have had immense stress.  To live with a child with mental compromises could have made them to take extreme steps so as to make the child disciplined and well adaptable as to his age and place. The extent of physical trauma, resulting mental agony and fear of parents in the kid is really pathetic.  This situation did rise because of the lack of understanding in the couple.  They did need some strong counseling.  The kid though scared still attached to parents.  Separation of kids from the parents is traumatizing to entire family.  This again will affect the children in their development.  By now the couple had learnt their lesson.  Separation of children from parents is becoming punishment to children also.  I hope the couple will be released earliest and take care of the children with lots of affection and understanding.

A child with all the experiences since birth will grow into a man/woman.  This will have a bearing on their parenting.  ‘A child is the father of a man’.