Saturday, March 8, 2014


On 8th March world celebrates international women’s day.  Though man and woman have important role to further human race towards progress, woman is not given due regard and never considered equal to man.  Man and woman are human.  They are equal as humans and differ as gender.  Nature has given the responsibility of carrying the human race forward to woman.  In this natural phenomenon the activity of woman becomes restricted, and responsibility increases.  The natural process of child bearing and child rearing has made woman the best domesticated animal by man.  The restricted activity and dependence during this period had made man to take a lead role in life and this continued for extended periods making woman a subordinate to man.  The domination of man on woman has led to abuse of woman in many ways.  Fulfillment of her human needs was controlled by man.
In the patriarchal society, woman dependent on man acts on behalf of man and as per the directions of man.  The birth of male is celebrated and male is provided utmost care.  The female offspring is given less importance and deprived of basic rights for dignified survival.  This is particularly common in present day in India.  The social bias to have a son is resulting in female feticide.  The skewed male female ratio in India is worrisome.  This will result in more social problems.  For a progressive society it is important the female population should be more.  Nature is strong supporter of woman and at birth the natural capacity of survival of female baby is more than a male baby.
The process of child birth involves risk to the life of woman.  Even in developed nations, though very low, there is mortality associated with child birth.  Nature balances this by appropriate male - female ratio.  Female birth should be encouraged and celebrated for the benefit and progress of human race.
Modern educated woman has proved herself in all fields moving ahead with man. Her knowledge of sexual and reproductive health care has lead to independent dignified life.  Health care is important for any person to live a healthy and happy life. The health of woman and children is the index of health of society.  It is a fact that anemia is common in women, particularly in the reproductive age group, even in developed countries.  In developing countries about 50% of women are anemic and in reproductive age group almost two thirds of them are anemic. 
Anemia is a condition where the oxygen carrying capacity of blood is decreased.  Hemoglobin, a protein in the blood binds oxygen in the lungs and carries it to the heart.  From there the oxygenated blood is pumped to all tissues in the body.  Hemoglobin releases oxygen in the tissues.  The normal hemoglobin in blood will be 13-15gm%.  In women it is generally on lower side, 13gm% is taken as normal.  Less than 10gm% is considered anemia.  This is manifested as general weakness, tiredness, and headache.  With severity of anemia the severity of symptoms and many others symptoms including frequent infections due to decreased immunity will develop.
In reproductive age group, if the woman becomes pregnant anemia increases all complications of pregnancy.  The incidence of fetal abnormalities and fetal mortality is more in anemic woman.  The important cause of maternal mortality in developing countries is bleeding in pregnancy/ delivery is more in anemic woman.  The incidence of infection, the second important cause maternal deaths is also high. So all women in reproductive age group must have Hb% done once in every year and if the percentage is less than 12gm% should consult a doctor and use appropriate medication.
The most important cause of anemia is nutritional deficiency anemia.  Iron deficiency is the commonest cause and vitamins – folic acid and B12 deficiencies are other contributing factors.  Proper diet and supplementation of iron and vitamins will improve the condition within a few months.  
In women of reproductive age group increased menstrual blood flow, frequent abortions or deliveries also can lead to anemia.  Reproductive health care and correction of menstrual loss with appropriate medication will help women to be healthy.
 All women, particularly in developing world, should get their hemoglobin percent test at the time of attaining puberty and repeat every year or as required, and maintain hemoglobin percent more than 12gm% always.  Fortification of salt with iron in addition to iodine will help to prevent anemia in women in our country.   
“Women’s health is nation’s wealth.”

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