Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pregnancy - Medicines

Pregnancy being a special condition, every pregnant woman takes special precaution in all her activities.  Gravida becomes cautious in what she eats and drinks.  Special precaution should be exercised even while using medicines during the course of pregnancy and breast feeding period.  Certain medicines and infections will have harmful effects on the fetus.  They can cause various system abnormalities and anatomical defects.  The period of pregnancy from day 31 to 71 is critical for differentiation and development of fetus.  Some drugs can have impact on the development of embryo-fetus, resulting in abnormalities.
A healthy gravida is advised simple folic acid tablets in the first three months of pregnancy.  This will help in the reduction of certain nervous system abnormalities.   After 4th month iron and folic acid tablets are started and continued till 9th month or delivery depending on the health of the gravida.  As more than 50% women are anemic in our country, ICMR recommends 60 mg of elemental with 500 mcg of folic acid for 100 days to all pregnant women.  A poorly nourished gravida not taking balanced diet is also recommended to take supplementation of all other vitamins and minerals especially calcium.  
Any other medication in pregnancy is taken only on specific indication.  A gravida suffering from any medical disorder like high blood pressure, diabetes or epilepsy has to continue according to the advice of the physician.  If the gravida develops any other serious illness like typhoid, malaria, urinary infection etc, should use medicines appropriate to the condition.  She should inform the physician of her pregnancy and its duration.  Even high temperature itself may be harmful to fetus and gravida.  So when any illness that is harmful to mother and fetus, as far as possible medications are given as not to harm the fetus.  When gravida’s condition is serious priority is given to the gravida and fetus then becomes secondary. 
Even during the course of pregnancy when the gravida has any abnormal bleeding or possibility of premature delivery hormonal treatment is given.  
Immunisation against tetanus is routinely practiced in our country.  Two T.T. injections are given in the 5th and 6th month in first pregnancy and from second pregnancy single dose is advised in the 8th or 9th month of pregnancy. 
Any pregnant woman should be cautious in using self medication, using medicines (other than folic acid) particularly in early pregnancy, the period of organ formation, is avoided

In short a healthy gravida taking a balanced diet does not need any medication other than iron supplementation.

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